Friday, March 4, 2016

The Truth About Being Tall

Truth is, it's very different up here.

Hi! I'm Calvin O'Keefe, and I'm sorry about being a little lax in keeping up my blog lately, owing to the fact that I've been out of town. Really far out of town. So please, please, hold off your anger towards me for a few minutes as I attempt to lessen your frustration with me, for the moment being. For the few of you who have wondered about my appearance, I am here to rant to you on a closely related subject: My being very tall.

You'll never fit in your bed. From personal experience, I have learnt that legs dangling from the edge of the bed provide for a very restless sleep.
You must play basketball. Not that I mind this very much, though I was originally chosen for the team solely because of my height.
Everyone is afraid of you. I will never understand why the human mind tends to confuse tall with intimidating.
You bang your head a lot. I will forever be convinced that the makers of doors and tables have a grudge against tall people.
You will never be taken seriously. Apparently, the status quo confines tall people to sports, as there is no way people over six feet tall can be in any way knowledgable.
But, even though life over six feet is far from glamorous, you know, deep down, that you are proud of your height and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


  1. I thought that this post was very humorous, but still trully conveying Calvin's frustration over being tall. However, even though I could tell what chapters these feelings are from, some people might not know from which point of the book this is from, so maybe you could specify which chapter(s) this is from.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Shruti, I really enjoy how you explained that Calvin thinks that being tall has a lot of disadvantages though, at the same time, somewhere in his heart he enjoys it. Everyone understands that he is annoyed with being tall though is sometimes very nice. You also might want to be more specific about why deep down he enjoys being tall and can be taken into advantage.
